The song’s simple yet catchy synth hook floats around effortlessly while OMD frontman sings the line “Enola Gay, is mother proud of little boy today?” It’s clear to see why a young gay or bisexual male can place a different meaning on a lyric about dropping the nuclear bomb through coming out to their own families. OMD’s ‘Enola Gay’ is featured very early in the show when Ritchie is packing for university with the anti-war banger taking pride of place in the first episode’s soundtrack. Orchestral Manoeuvres in The Dark – 'Enola Gay' To be perfectly honest, it could take the biscuit as one of the best pop songs of all time. The song could be considered the perfect 80s banger with its blasting synths, dramatic flair, and orchestral hits. Appearing in the background of episode 4, it’s very easy to understand why the song resonates so well with the LGBT+ community with its repressed Catholicism shining through Neil Tennant’s lyrics. The song from which the show takes its name, ‘It’s A Sin’ is a banger of godly proportions.